Back on the Air!

Apologies to all of you who have been trying to access the site for the past 5 days — Earbirding got hacked. (It was my own fault for not updating my installation of WordPress on a regular basis. Those of you who run WordPress blogs, let this be a lesson — always update on schedule!) As far as I can tell, the hack was only of a spam-link nature and it didn’t destroy any content — nor did it harm any visitor computers, as far as I know.
Most of the site is back online as of this morning, but certain links, iframes, etcetera may remain broken. If you find anything that isn’t working, please let me know.
Meanwhile, classes have ended for the semester and I’m now in the grading morass, but at least it’s a self-scheduled morass, and I hope to be bringing you some fine new content soon: upcoming blog topics include hybrid birds, hearing loss, Whip-poor-wills, Warbling Vireos, and annoying spectrograms.
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Welcome back!
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